Fishing is an activity that millions partake in every year.
Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish in their habitats, including
ponds, lakes, oceans and other bodies of water. Fishing is a recreational sport
for many of people, and a job for many others. There are about 38 million
commercial fisherman and fish farmers, providing jobs to over 500 million
people who often catch and sell fish for food supply. Other fishermen are
considered recreational fishers who go fishing during their free time. Through
these millions of fishermen, fish get removed from their natural habitat and
are either moved to different locations, or are killed and processed for food.
Like many other animals, some fish are much more popular than others.
Another example of what could happen with the tuna is that
they would completely change their structures or; ways of living. Some of the
large tuna have a beautiful green color to their bodies. If fishermen preferred
tuna with the green rather than blue or purple, the green population would
decrease, leaving a higher percentage of blue and purple tuna. If the green
tuna doesn’t mate faster than the rate of reduction within the population in
order to bring up the percentage of green species, the green population will
struggle to survive and could possibly go extinct, leaving no green tuna to
reproduce anymore, reducing the diversity of the tuna population.
Resources and Citations
"Fishing." Wikipedia. Wikimedia
Foundation, n.d. Web. 27 Dec. 2012.
"Tuna and Mackerel
Populations Have Reduced by 60% in the Last Century." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 08
Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Dec. 2012.
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