Another mutation that helps the Common Reed Frog is that the
species has a large variety of colors. If the environment was to change, a
mutation in the DNA of the frog for its skin color could help the frog, or hurt
the frog in terms of camouflage. This possible mutation could help the species
hide more easily, or be much more visible to their predators. If the camouflage
is suited for the environment, then the species could grow and become much more
fit in the environment, and have no problem surviving. If the camouflage is
opposite of the environment, it could hurt their chances of survival, and make
it much more difficult, requiring them to work much harder for their survival.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Common Reed Frog and Genetic Mutations
Genetic mutations within an organisms DNA can completely
change the chances of survival of the organism over time. This is because a
change in DNA could affect the phenotype or fitness it has in its environment.
The Common Reed Frog is a West African Frog that is very different from most
frog species. The Common Reed Frog can be found in subtropical or tropical dry
forests. Something this species is able to do that is very unique is to change
its sex in any single sex environment it is in in order to reproduce and keep
the population big enough to survive. This happened over many generations, due
to changes in its DNA structure; genetic mutations; allowing them to change
gender when the environment they were in made it difficult or impossible to
reproduce and keep the species fit for the environment. This could heavily
affect the population because it will allow them to survive longer, even when
there is only one sex in their population, because they could simply just
switch sexes and fix the issue.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Controlled Habitat and Natural Selection
There are 12 white mice, 12 brown mice, and 12 black mice in
a population in the forest. Some of the mice have long tails, some have medium
sized tails, and others have really short tails. There are 36 mice in total.
Four each of the white, brown, and black mice have long tails; four each of the
white, brown, and black tails have medium sized tails, and four each of the
white, brown, and black mice have really short tails. They will be put in a
scenario and the possible outcomes will be noted. This will show the frequency
of each phenotype will change within the populations. Also, this is an example
of natural selection within a population.
33% of the population is white. 33% of the population is brown.
33% of the population is black. Also; 33% of the population has a long tail. 33%
of the population has a medium tail. 33% of the population has a short tail.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Peacocks and Reproductive Isolation
There are three types of Reproductive Isolation; behavioral
isolation, temporal isolation, and geographical isolation. All three types can
break a species up into two or more species over long periods of time. Although
all three can each affect different species, behavioral may be the type of
reproductive isolation that affects a population the most.
Each individual organism has its own behaviors, no matter
what species it may be. These behaviors are passed on genetically from
generation to generation. As they get passed, they change because they are
different than the others previous to them. As these behaviors become more and
more different, it is possible that the organisms will get to a point where
they will no longer mate with each other. This can be for a large variety of
different behavioral changes within the species or the interests of or dislikes
of the organism or species; or the individual organism. If the behaviors change
enough to the point of separation due to the differences in behavior, over
generations time, the groups can separate into two or more different species.This would lead to the inability to mate with the other species even though they were once one species that used to mate together. The gene pools would then be completely different over time from the new species. There could be changes in the color of the species, the sharpness of claws or teeth, the length of their tails, or other unique features that may be present within the species.
One example of behavioral isolation is in peacocks. Peacocks are a beautiful type of bird. Males have large beautiful and colorful feathers whereas the females have more dull brown colored feathers. The females choose their mates based on their interest in the feather color of the males. If the males begin to develop a large amount of one colored feather, the females will begin to choose preferences. They will eventually separate into two species since certain females’ wont mate with certain males. This is behavioral separation and the two different “species” of peacocks (created over many generations) will no longer be able to mate/breed with each other.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Fishing and Genetic Drift
Fishing is an activity that millions partake in every year.
Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish in their habitats, including
ponds, lakes, oceans and other bodies of water. Fishing is a recreational sport
for many of people, and a job for many others. There are about 38 million
commercial fisherman and fish farmers, providing jobs to over 500 million
people who often catch and sell fish for food supply. Other fishermen are
considered recreational fishers who go fishing during their free time. Through
these millions of fishermen, fish get removed from their natural habitat and
are either moved to different locations, or are killed and processed for food.
Like many other animals, some fish are much more popular than others.
Another example of what could happen with the tuna is that
they would completely change their structures or; ways of living. Some of the
large tuna have a beautiful green color to their bodies. If fishermen preferred
tuna with the green rather than blue or purple, the green population would
decrease, leaving a higher percentage of blue and purple tuna. If the green
tuna doesn’t mate faster than the rate of reduction within the population in
order to bring up the percentage of green species, the green population will
struggle to survive and could possibly go extinct, leaving no green tuna to
reproduce anymore, reducing the diversity of the tuna population.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Removing the Electron Transport Chain from Cellular Respiration
Finally, the ETC uses oxygen directly. This would result in
unused/unchanged oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. This could possibly lead
to the inability to convert oxygen into CO2, carbon dioxide, and
result in an overdose of oxygen within the body and atmosphere, not being able
to get rid of it by turning it to carbon dioxide. This would then affect
organisms, such as plants, who consume CO2.
As you can see by these possibilities, the removal of the Electron Transport Chain could have devastating results for all organisms containing eukaryotic cells and that go through the process of Cellular Respiration, including all animals, plants, protista, and fungi organisms.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Removing Carbon Dioxide from Photosynthasis
There are two main reactions, or processes, that occur during the process of photosynthesis within a plant. Sunlight begins by hitting the chlorophyll in Photosystem II and exciting the electrons (e-). Then, these excited electrons move to Photosystem I. The excited electrons cause water, H2O to break apart into oxygen, hydrogen, and more electrons. These electrons then move to the electron transport chain, ETC, where they force hydrogen into the thylakoid membrane. Inside the thylakoid, there is too many hydrogen ions which causes an imbalance which then forces ATP synthase (protein) to move hydrogen ions out. This causes ADP to make ATP. ATP then moves to the light independent reaction. It breaks apart carbon dioxide, CO2, to make new carbon molecules called PGA and RUBP. These carbon molecules produce glucose, food for the plants. This process is very complicated and detailed. If one factor is removed, the entire process could change and affect life in very drastic and possibly have some devastating outcomes.
you remove carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the process, your outcome could
completely change the world as we know it. Photosynthesis uses the energy of
sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugars (glucose) and oxygen.
Sunlight + 6CO2 + 6H2O = C6H12O6 + 6O2. Carbon dioxide molecules are an
essential part of the photosynthesis process. Without CO2, glucose would not be
possible because it requires 6 molecules of carbon. Oxygen would not be made
either, because oxygen consists of the 6O2 molecules that were left from the
carbon dioxide equation/compound. Without glucose, plants would be forced to
adapt to a different type of glucose made of a different compound, or a
completely different food and energy source altogether. The sudden removal of
CO2 would result in an inability to adapt and would kill the plant due to the
lack of food and much needed nutrients for survival. Also, the oxygen supply in
Earth’s atmosphere would not last forever. If all plants were unable to produce
oxygen, humans, animals, and any other organisms that survive on oxygen would
use up all the supply and then leave their supply empty, causing mass
extinctions. Changing photosynthesis, a process that is a required resource for
most life on Earth, would result in extinction of hundreds of thousands of
species, leaving very minimal species of organisms alive. There would be no
plant life or human activity of any kind if CO2 was removed from
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Ocean Acidification and Possible Effects on Trophic Levels and Food Webs
acidification is a huge climatic disaster that is ongoing due to high levels of
CO2 in the atmosphere that then is absorbed into the ocean and reducing pH
levels of the ocean water, home to millions of marine organisms. This affects
all life within the water, changing their way of living by forcing them to
adapt to new living conditions, or to move to better, more suitable living
food webs are changed greatly when organisms leave their habitats, traveling
possibly hundreds of miles away to new locations, and creating or finding a new
habitat that they find suitable to survive in, or becoming extinct due to the
inability to survive with the current living conditions. This would mean that
the other organisms in their ‘old’ food web, too, would have to adapt to the
less variety of foods available for their taking, making it difficult for them
to survive without adapting to the change. Also, they would be forced to adapt
to the lack of nutrients found within that organism that is no longer within
their locations.

reefs are living organisms that provide shelter to fish in the sea. They are
homes to thousands of different fish types, and are deeply affected by ocean
acidification. They are found to be one of the most important ecosystems on the
Earth. So what would happen if they were to be killed due to the high amounts
of changes in the pH levels of the ocean water? They could become an unsuitable
habitat for the fish that take shelter, possibly causing these fish to go
extinct. Or even the coral reefs themselves, going extinct as well. These coral
reef habitats are critical to many species of fishes’ lives. Researchers find
ocean acidification to be a big factor in the degradation and collapse of many
of these ecosystems and habitats all over the world.
acidification is a real problem, affecting marine ecosystems and marine food
webs all around the world. It can completely change an ecosystem and food web,
or more drastically, over time, destroy it. Many species of organisms could go
extinct and could change the living styles of many other organisms.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Removing Denitrification from the Nitrogen Cycle

Denitrification is very important to the Nitrogen Cycle. If
it were to be removed, then many things would be affected in return. When
nitrogen gas, N2, moves into the soil and goes through bacterial
nitrogen fixation, it is turned into NO2, NO3, or NH3. Once it
is turned into one of these products, plants and other organisms can use it and
then it eventually gets passed on to other organisms. For example, when a
primary consumer consumes a producer, the nitrogen gets passed on from that
producer to the primary consumer. It will eventually go through soil bacterial
nitrogen fixation and be released into the atmosphere, however, without denitrification;
it will not be transformed back into N2 or get released back into
the atmosphere. Eventually, over time, N2 will no longer be N2 because it
will all be ‘stuck’ in organisms and the soil. N2 currently
makes up 78% of the atmosphere, so the effect it could have on Earth’s
atmosphere could be very severe. Also N2 helps humans in food
digestion and overall body growth. It forms 3% of our body weight. It is too,
an essential component in cellular respiration. It is used to help make ATP
(energy) molecules for organisms.
Too many NO2 molecules are very harmful for all living organisms.
In the video, “The Nitrogen Cycle – It’s Easy!” by MyFishCare101, the
illustrator shows a picture at the time of 1:03 that shows this by drawing
arrows which represent nitrites and pointing up towards a dead fish within the aquarium.
This can happen with anything that is too abundant for our needs and ability to
rid of it.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Removing Human Activities from the Carbon Cycle

So, what happens when you remove human activities from this process?

By removing these activities from Earth completely, the
carbon cycle is greatly affected. It takes many years for dead plants and
animals to decompose and release carbon into the atmosphere naturally. This
would mean that the carbon dioxide would be ‘stored’ or ‘hidden’ within the
plants or animals until it releases them back into the atmosphere, or decomposes
enough to release them back. Also, tons of pounds of carbon dioxide is beneath
Earth’s surface, contained within fossil fuels under land soil and under the
ocean floor. This means that the carbon dioxide will not be in the atmosphere
for many years, always going into reservoirs and not returning to the
atmosphere for many years. This too could throw the balance of carbon dioxide
levels on Earth off. However, it could be a very good thing for the health of
Earth for a long time because of Global Warming. By removing high levels of
carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere, the amount of ozone that is being
destroyed by them will too be reduced, causing Global Warming to reduce over
time and not harm Earth’s ozone layer in the atmosphere.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Removing Clouds from the Water Cycle
would removing clouds really affect us? What is their purpose? How are they
formed? Why are they there? Clouds are a big part of the water cycle. Clouds
are in the atmosphere and consist of water that is condensed, making the water
into the clouds. Water cycles through the atmosphere, in the clouds and it
precipitates, reaching the earth’s surface. It does this by raining, snowing,
sleet, or hail, or any other form of water falling from the sky. Once it hits
the Earth’s surface, it goes through a process called surface run off into
rivers, lakes, oceans or any other body of water. Eventually this water will
evaporate or will go through transpiration and return back into the atmosphere
to repeat this process over and over again.
Without clouds (condensation), there would be no storage place in the atmosphere to evaporate or go through transpiration to other than the air which contains water vapor. The water molecules would just cycle through the bodies of water, making it difficult to reach the middle of large land masses without pipes or other ways to travel there without water being underneath the surface.
Without clouds, there is no precipitation, no rain, no snow, and no more hail. Humidity will still be present since there is water vapor in the air, however. In short, water would not cycle easily or naturally without the use of a variety of different objects such as underground canals or pipes that we have created-unnatural resources.
This could affect life on in earth in that the water we are used to having may not travel to the places we normally need it, causing nature to suffer, plants to die or force everything to adapt, if able than they have a chance of surviving, but if unable, the chance of going extinct or endangered is increased.
Without clouds (condensation), there would be no storage place in the atmosphere to evaporate or go through transpiration to other than the air which contains water vapor. The water molecules would just cycle through the bodies of water, making it difficult to reach the middle of large land masses without pipes or other ways to travel there without water being underneath the surface.
Without clouds, there is no precipitation, no rain, no snow, and no more hail. Humidity will still be present since there is water vapor in the air, however. In short, water would not cycle easily or naturally without the use of a variety of different objects such as underground canals or pipes that we have created-unnatural resources.
This could affect life on in earth in that the water we are used to having may not travel to the places we normally need it, causing nature to suffer, plants to die or force everything to adapt, if able than they have a chance of surviving, but if unable, the chance of going extinct or endangered is increased.
This is an example
of a freshwater system. This system moves water to different areas without it
being cycled in the atmosphere using pipes and other resources that can move
water from one place to another.
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